Analytics Made Easy

Simple, transparent, and privacy-respecting – the future of web analytics is here. Track your visitors and view the data in a  meaningful way, even delivered right to your inbox.

Did you know?

Google Analytics transitioned from their UA model to G4. They officially stopped using UA in July of 2023. Deletion of your historical UA data is on the horizon. We can help import your data while it is still there.


Focused on simplicity. Get all the essential metrics without the overwhelming clutter all while being GDPR compliant.


Get up-to-date insights with real-time analytics. Track visitor trends as they happen and receive monthly or weekly reports in your inbox.


Understand how your content performs in search engines and identify opportunities for improvement. Share with your stakeholders.

Sound like a good addition to your plan?

Submit a support ticket and we can advise on how to add this feature to your monthly subscription.